14469682_311980045834471_1545494693898507352_n 14463111_311980545834421_152472337136664768_n 14449072_311980189167790_583157021951189038_n 14390656_311979859167823_293713199538683525_n 14379721_311979812501161_7718789875474989282_o DLSA East in association with Department of Health organised an Awareness Programme for the  officials of office of CDMO East in the office of CDMO East on the topic "Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace" on 20.9.2016. Secretary DLSA East herself attended the programme and addressed the participants on the topics and also had interactive session with them. Participants were very happy and enthusiastic in gathering knowledge and asking questions from the Secretary. Programme was highly appreciated by all concerned. It was a successful programme. 14364847_311979949167814_3933059952245112549_n DLSA East in association with Department of Health organised an Awareness Programme for the  officials of office of CDMO East in the office of CDMO East on the topic "Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace" on 20.9.2016. Secretary DLSA East herself attended the programme and addressed the participants on the topics and also had interactive session with them. Participants were very happy and enthusiastic in gathering knowledge and asking questions from the Secretary. Programme was highly appreciated by all concerned. It was a successful programme.