What is Free Legal Aid?

Free Legal Aid is providing of free legal services in Civil as well as Criminal matters under Legal Services Act, 1987.

Whether, I can also avail free legal services?

Free Legal Advice can be availed by any person. However, only those persons who are eligible as per chapter 6, rule 9 of Delhi Legal Services Regulation, 2002 can avail legal services from this authority.

Who are eligible for free legal services from DSLSA?

As per chapter VI, Rule 9, of the Delhi Legal Services Authority Regulation 2002 following person are eligible for free Legal Aid Services.

  1. SC or ST
  2. Victim of trafficking or begar
  3. Women or Child
  4. Person with disabilities
  5. Victim of Mass Disaster/Ethnic Violence Caste Atrocity/Flood/ Earthquake or Industrial Disaster
    Industrial Workmen
  6. In Custody/ Protective Home/ Juvenile Home/Psychiatric Hospital/ Psychiatric Nursing Home
  7. Person having annual income less than Rs. 3 Lac
  8. Senior Citizen having annual income less than Rs. 4 Lac
  9. Transgender having annual income less than Rs. 4 Lac
  10. Acid Attack Victim
  11. Person infected and affected with HIV Aids
Whether women of any income group are eligible for free legal services from DSLSA?

Yes, women of any income group are eligible for free legal services from DSLSA.

Who can get the free legal services and from where?

Free legal services can be availed from High Court Legal Services Committee, Delhi State Legal Services Authority and from all the District Legal Services Authorities situated at the premises of Delhi District Court by all the entitled persons as per rules of the act.

Except these institutions from where can we get free legal services?

Except these institutions there are Legal Services Clinics where free legal services provided.

Whether, the legal advice is available on telephone also?

Yes, legal advice is also available on our (24×7) toll free helpline no. 1516.

Whether, I have to pay fees to Legal Services Advocate appointed by DSLSA?

No fee is required to be paid to the Legal Services Advocate, If you are eligible for free legal services.

Who will pay the Court Fee, Process Fee and Typing Fee?

This Authority would pay the Court Fee, Process Fee and Typing Fee. All the expenses would be incurred by Government.

Whether, the complaint of the legal Services Advocate can be reported. If yes, where?

Yes, the complaint of the advocate can be reported at the concerned District Legal Services Authority.

What is the procedure to evaluate the application for providing of Legal Aid?

The Scrutiny and Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the application for legal service and decide whether the applicant is entitled to legal service or not vide Regulation No. 7 of NALSA (Free and Competent Legal Services) Regulations, 2010.

Whether appeal can be filed for denial of legal services? If so, where appeal can be filed?

Yes, Appeal can be made to the Chairman of the Authority/Committee on denial of grant of legal services (or) before the Hon’ble Executive Chairman of SLSA and the decision of Chairman shall be final.