Guidelines regarding Rape Victims

• “Khem Chand & Others Vs State” Crl. Appeal No. 5/2000 (High Court of Delhi)

Vide order dated 07.07.2008 in paragraph 1, Hon’ble High Court has directed that:-

“The concerned S.H.O shall inform the Delhi Legal Services Authority immediately of the commission of the offense of rape. The D.L.S.A shall depute a Social Worker/Para Legal Worker to establish contact latest within a week of the commission of offense with the victim and her family. The Social Worker/Para Legal Worker shall work towards gaining the confidence of the victim and provide necessary moral and legal support and advice as may be required to face the ordeal. The Social/Para Legal Worker shall operate under the overall guidance and supervision of the Child Counsellor/Psychologist nominated by the Delhi Legal Services Authority. The Child Counsellor /Psychologist shall personally step in and give assistance to the Social/Para Legal Worker or herself handle the case, wherever required, to ensure adjustment and rehabilitation of the victim. The Child Counsellor/Psychologist will also ensure that education of the

victim is not disrupted and normal life is restored as soon as possible. A report would be submitted to the Delhi Legal Services Authority in this regard by the Child Counsellor/Psychologist.”

In paragraph 2, Hon’ble High Court has directed that:-

“Delhi Judicial Academy has been organizing seminars/workshops for sensitization of Judicial Officers in the conduct of cases of rape, sexual abuse. The Commissioner of Police and Director of Prosecution shall either themselves or through Delhi Judicial Academy organize seminars/workshops for the police personnel and personnel of the prosecuting agencies for their sensitization in cases of rape and sexual offense so that they are receptive to the difficulties, suffering, pain and trauma of the victim and her family.”

In paragraph 3, Hon’ble High Court has directed that:-

“The Secretary, Department of Health, Government of NCT of Delhi as also the Director General, Health Services, Government of India would either themselves or through Delhi Judicial Academy organize seminars/ workshops/courses for the

Doctors and medical personnel involved in the examination and treatment of victim of rape and sexual offence to ensure a humane approach in dealing with them and also to familiarize them in the reporting requirements of medical and clinical examination for trial purposes.”
