How Legal Literacy is spread? Whether NGOs can participate in the activities of the Legal Services Authority to spread Legal Literacy/Awareness?
Legal Services Authority spreads legal literacy by:-
Organizing Legal Literacy Camps.
Organizing Workshops on Legal topics.
Providing Legal Literature to the public in the regional language at low cost by publishing books on various subjects of law written by experts in the field.
Creating awareness about the law of the land amongst general public by utilizing mass media like Radio, Television and the like.
Legal Services Authority welcomes all Individuals and NGOs who are willing to involve themselves in the above mentioned activities of the Authority as it would go a long way in achieving the aims and objective of the Authority.
What is the object of National Legal Literacy Mission?
NALSA constituted National Legal Literacy Mission with the main objective to empower the poor, disadvantaged persons particularly women and children through legal literacy by making them aware of their rights to lead life with dignity and enjoy equality before law.
Whether sensitization of Judicial Officers with regard to Legal Services Schemes and Programmes is essential?
Yes, once all the Judicial Officers in the Country are properly sensitized with regard to the relevance and importance of legal aid schemes they shall themselves start caring for the poor, backward and weaker sections of the society who are not in a position to engage their own counsel and look after their legal cause.
Who is a Para Legal Volunteer?
A person with basic knowledge of law and other available welfare measures and legislations with an inclination to assist their immediate neighbourhood is selected as Para Legal Volunteer by the concerned Legal Services Institution and trained to improve the legal services network.
Who should be the Para Legal Volunteer?
Advocates, Teachers and Lecturers of Govt. and Private Schools and Colleges of all levels
Anganwadi workers
Private or Govt. Doctor and other Govt. employees.
Field level officers of different departments and agencies of the State and Union Governments.
Students of graduation and post graduation in Law, Education, Social Services of humanities.
Members of apolitical service oriented Non Govt/- Organizations and Clubs.
Social Workers and volunteers etc.
What are the duties of Para Legal Volunteers?
PLV shall:-
1) Educate people, especially those belonging to weaker sections of the society,
2) Spread awareness among the people about their basis human rights, fundamental rights and other legal rights & duties.
3) They will also assist in conducting the Legal Literacy Camps.
Whether, Para Legal Volunteers are also available in Jails?
Yes, some literate prisoners/inmates who are in jail for a long period of time are being trained as Para Legal Volunteers.
Whether the work of the Para Legal Volunteers is monitored regularly?
The Secretary of DLSA, shall monitor the work done by the PLVs every month.
What are the functions of Legal Services Institutions in the Country?
The main functions of legal services institutions are as follows-
1) To provide free and competent legal services to the eligible persons
2) To organize Lok Adalats for amicable settlement of disputes
3) To organize legal awareness camps
4) To implement the schemes and policy directed by NALSA through strategic and preventive Legal Service Programmes.