What is Lok Adalat?
The word Lok Adalat means people’s court. It is a Forum to resolve the disputes by conciliation and participation in an amicable manner. Based on Gandhain principles, Lok Adalat is one of the most important components of ADR systems operating in india.
Lok Adalat is an alternative mode of dispute resolution. A Lok Adalat Bench is constituted at Supreme Court level, High Court level and District court level for purpose of amicable settlement of dispute between two parties with their consent.
Who acts as Conciliator in Lok Adalat?
In every Lok Adalat minimum two conciliators function. One of them is a sitting (or) retired judicial officer and other conciliator shall be an Advocate or Social Worker or both.
What types of disputes are settled in the Lok Adalat?
Any case at pending or pre-litigation stage except non-compoundable criminal cases can be settled in the Lok Adalat.
What is the basis for settlement before Lok Adalat?
Consent of the parties is the only criteria for settlement before Lok Adalat and such settlement should not be illegal and opposed to public policy.
What are the special features of Lok Adalat?
1) There is no court fee and if court fee is already paid it will be refunded if the dispute is settled in Lok Adalat.
2) The parties to the dispute can directly interact with the judge through their counsel which is not possible in regular court of law.
3) The basic feature of Lok Adalt is informal and speedy justice.
4) The award passed by the Lok Adalat is binding on the parties and it has the status of a decree of a civil court and it is non-appealable.
What is parmenant Lok Adalat?
Permanent Lok Adalat means a Permanent Lok Adalat established under sub-section (1) of Section 22-B of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 to settle the dispute, before the dispute is brought before any court of law pertaining to Public Utility Services as defined in the Act, Rules as the case may be.