Who are Panel Lawyers?
“Panel Lawyer” means a lawyer selected under Regulation 8 of the National Legal Services Authority (Fee and Competent Legal Services) Regulation, 2010 to render free and competent legal services to the deserving the needy persons under the scheme.
From where we can obtain the information regarding vacancies of Panel Lawyers?
The information regarding the vacancies of Panel Lawyers is available on our website i.e. www.dslsa.org
What all qualities/specialities are taken into consideration while appointment of Legal Services Advocate at DSLSA?
While appointments of the Legal Services Advocate things are taken into consideration are that the advocate should be legal professional, capable, honest and amicable.
Advocates are appointed by the members of Interview Board comprising of:-
1. Hon’ble Chairman, District Legal Services Authority
2. Senior Additional District Judge
3. Senior Additional Sessions Judge
4. Secretary, District Legal Services Authority.
What is the eligibility criteria for empanelment in DSLSA?
There are different eligibility criteria’s for different panels. The details of which would be available in the notice for appointment of that panel.
On what basis the Legal Services advocates are provided Fee?
The payment of Legal Services Advocate is made accordingly to the Fee Schedule-2015.
What fee is prescribed for Legal Services Advocate who visit the Legal Services Clinics at Universities and Colleges?
The advocates who visit the legal services clinic at Colleges and Universities are paid as per Sl. No. 3, Part-I-C (Legal Aid Wing), Fee Schedule-2015.
Is there any panel specially for North-Eastern people?
Yes, there is a panel of North Eastern Advocates specially for the people belonging to North Eastern States.