The Goals/ Achievements accomplished are hereby categorised under the following heads:

1.      Legal Aid Wing:-

          Year-wise data of beneficiaries of free legal services as under:- 


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
461 663 800 850 1808 1209 1684 1758 2220


2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
847 2496 2292 2779 3538


Months -wise data of free legal  Aid beneficiaries for the year of 2023.
Months Free Legal Aid Beneficiaries 2023
January 226
February 213
March 314
April 196
May 271
June 183
July 323
August 222
 September 212
 October 231
 November 230
 December 158
Months -wise data of free legal  Aid beneficiaries for the year of 2024.
Months Free Legal Aid Beneficiaries 2024
January 212
February 213
March 280
April 222
May 359
June 312
July 353
August 311
 September 314
 October 368
 November 290
 December 304

Months -wise data of free legal  Aid beneficiaries for the year of 2025

Months Free Legal Aid Beneficiaries 2025
January 305


  • Till 2019, provided compensation to “673” persons and the total amount was Rs. 1,13,904,000/-

  • Year 2020,Provided compensation to 130 persons and the total amount was Rs. 20454000/-
  • Year 2021, provided compensation to 96 persons and the total amount was Rs. 24382500/-
  • Year 2022,Provided compensation to 150 persons and the total amount was Rs. 31127000/-
  • Year 2023 (January to December) provided compensation to 185 persons and the amount is Rs. 2,98,37000/–
  • Year 2024 ( January to December) Provide compensation to 256 persona and amount is Rs. 4,58,01000/-
  • Year 2025 ( January provided compensation to 21 Personas and Amount is Rs. 59,52,500/-


  • Till 2019, provided counselling  to “103” rape victims.

  • Till 2019, provided counselling to “782” traced missing children.


2.  Lok Adalat Wing:-

    Year-wise data of cases disposed of in National Lok Adalat: 


2011 6557 Rs. 13,007,50/- Rs. 29,4000/-
2012 1602 Rs. 2,37,000/- Rs. 21,07,600/-
2013 20598 Rs. 13,295,084/- Rs. 7,291,000/-
2014 1074 Rs. 32,863,775/- Rs. 93,760/-
2015 10008 Rs. 30,453,043/- Rs. 2,00,500/-
2016 604 Rs. 1,30,20,184/- Rs. 56,950/-
2017 2303 Rs. 3,37,14,534/- Rs. 19,500/-
2018 4974 Rs.3,00,68,856/-
2019 4156 Rs.2,17,68,012/-

Year Wise Lok Adalat Disposal Statement

2021 5156
2022 13568 41220831/- 37014870/-
2023 27266 108367733/-

Lok Adalat 2023

11-02-2023 6650 38494850 37279150/-
13/05/2023 7356 19752705 18486605/-

Traffic Lok Adalat

5149 4379 8,19300/-


1418 914 212,46253/-
10-12-2023 6,693 5,575 3,05,36,425

Lok Adalat 2024

09-03-2024 7808 6424 3,43,92,700/-
11-05-2024 7338 5860 7,40,50,189/-
14-09-2024 5785 4978 2,44,22,828/-
14-12-2024 6592 5816 5,22,308671/-

Lok Adalat 2025 

08-03-2025 upcoming Lok Adalat

Legal Literacy Awareness Programmes  in the year 2024.


1. Domestic Violence 26
2. Child & Adolescent Labour ( Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 2
3. Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Act, 2009 8
4. Benefits to Senior Citizens 17
5. NALSA’s various schemes of year 2015 & 2016 and Govt. Schemes 2
6. Unorganized workers Social Security Act, 2008 in association with Labour Department, GNST of Delhi 1

Training programme in the year 2023

S.No. Training Programme Total No. of Programmes
1. Training/ Sensitization Programme for LAC 9
2. Training Programme for PLVs 4
Total 11



S.No. Legal Aid Work Total no.
1. Counsel provided to Senior Citizens 54
2. Counsel provided  to accused in J.C 1037
3. Counsel provided  to women=346 & S.C/ ST.=27 beneficiaries 848
4. Counsel provided to other legal aid beneficiary whose Income was less than 1 Lac. 159
5. Interaction with the inmates of Central  Jail no. 16, Mandoli, Delhi 1903
Total 4001
National Lok Adalat
S.No. No of cases taken-up in NLA in year-2019 Cases disposed of Total Amount
1. 5057 4156 2,17,68,012


S.No. Observance of Days Total number of programmes
1. International Women’s Day 15
2. World Health Day 2
3. World Earth Day 29
4. Labour Day 5
5. International Day of the Family 1
6. International Missing Children Day 1
7. World Environment Day 4
8. World Day against Child Labour 1
9. Internal Day against Drug abuse and illicit Trafficking 2
10. National Independence Day 1
11. Senior Citizen’s Day 3
12. Gandhi Jayanti 3
13. Constitution Day/ National Law Day 1
14. Anti Dowry Day 1
15. Human Rights Day 2
16. National Consumer Rights Day 1
Total 72


Legal Literacy Awareness Programmes organized in Schools, Jails, GRCs, observation homes etc in the year 2015.

S.No. Legal Literacy Programmes in Schools/Topic Total no. of Programmes
1. Cyber Law 54
2. POCSO Act 20
3. Functioning of Police Stations and setup of Judicial System 35
4. Focus on Environmental Laws 20
5. Self Defence 10
6. Traffic Laws 30
7. Fundamental Duties 79
8. Drugs and Substance Abuse 29
9. Inter-school Essay Competition 1
10. Essay Competition on various topics 40
11. Street Play 2
Total 320


S.No. (Legal Literacy Programmes in GRCs/Ors. Govt. Heads)Topic Total no. of Programmes
1. Domestic Violence Act 34
2. PC & PNDT Act 20
3. Various Schemes for Senior Citizens 5
4. Damage to Public Property Act 2
5.  Focusing on Child Labour 1
6. Sexual Harassment at Work Place 2
7. Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens 13
8. Benefits to Senior Citizens 88
9. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 4
10. Organized and Unorganized Workers and Social Security Act 7
11. Dowry Prohibition Act 14
12. Prevention of Environmental Laws 2
13. Sensitization Programmes for Missing Children for Police Officials 7
14. Programmes for Street Childrens 65
15. Programmes on Cultural Identities 5
16. Legal Literacy Classes in Jail 13
17. Rights of H.I.V. Patients/Transgender 1
18. Rights of Women 10
19. Consumer Protection Act 1
20. Visit Old Age Home 1
21. Visit Observation Home 1
22. Complaints with Civic Authorities 6
23. Schemes recently floated by Govt. of India 3
24. Prevention of Corruption Act 10
25. Visit Children Home 3
26. Weaker Section of Society 15
27. Legal Aid & Literacy Camp in rural / remote areas 1
28. Health Care Services 1
29. Rights of Physically Challenged Persons 6
30. Sensitization Programme on Mental Health Act 1
31. Prohibition of Employment of Children 4
Total 346



S.No. Training Programmes Total no. of Programmes
1. Training / Sensitization Programme for L.A.C. 10
2. Sensitization Programme of Public Prosecutor 1
3. Legal Literacy Classes for Police Personnel 3
Total 14


Observance of Days Total no. of Programmes
1. International Women’s  Day 1
2. International Labour Day 6
3. Anti Tobacco Day 2
4. Independence Day 2
5. World Environment Day 4
6. Senior Citizen Day 3
7. World Health Day 5
8. Children’s Day 2
9. Legal Service Day / Law Day 4
10. World H.I.V. Day 3
11. Disability Day 3
12. Human Right Day 4
Total 39


S.No. Legal Aid Work Total no.
1. Matter of Legal aid beneficiary taken up for counseling 1808
2. Counsel provided  to accused in J.C 514
3. Counsel provided  to women=346 & S.C/ ST.=27 beneficiaries 373
4. Counsel provided to other legal aid beneficiary whose Income was less than 1 Lac. 105
5. Interaction with the inmates of jail no. 6, Central Jail, Tihar 1278
Total 4078
National Lok Adalat
S.No. No of cases taken-up in NLA in year-2015 Cases disposed of Total Amount
1. 3107 1454 29,121,653/-


Various modes adopted for making people aware are as follows:-

  1. Nukkad Nataks :- 10
  2. Projectors :- 22 places
  3. Handbills :- 25000 in various Programmes of DLSA
  4. Booklets :- 500
  5. Pamphlets :- 15000 in various Programmes of DLSA


S.No. Legal Aid Work Total no.
1. Matter of Legal aid beneficiary taken up for counseling 1808
2. Counsel provided  to accused in J.C 514
3. Counsel provided  to women=346 & S.C/ ST.=27 beneficiaries 373
4. Counsel provided to other legal aid beneficiary whose Income was less than 1 Lac. 105
5. Interaction with the inmates of jail no. 6, Central Jail, Tihar 1278
Total 4078
Lok Adalat
S.No. Cases disposed of Total Amount
1. 10303 3,95,78,743/-



  • In the year, 2014, a total no. of  “296” Legal Literacy/awareness programmes were organized in Schools/Colleges, jails, GRCs, observation homes etc.

S.No. Various Topics Total No. of programmes
1. Domestic Violence 07
2. Pocso Act 20
3. Senior Citizen 30
4. PNDT Act 09
5. Economically Weaker Section of Society (Including S.C/S.T) 10
6. Damaged to Public Property 01
7. Cultural Identities of People from North-East 01
8. Food Adulteration Act 01
9. Victims of Crime (U/s 357 Cr. PC) 01
10. Female Feticide 02
11. Physically Challenged Persons 05
12. Prevention of Corruption Act 01
13. Cyber Laws 35
14. Sexual Offences 07
15. Prohibition of Employment of Children 04
16. Availability of Health Care Services 01
17. Maintenance & Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act 06
18. Sensitization Programme for Jail Inmates 10
19. Police Training Programme 05
20. Labor Department 03
21. Prevention of Environment 02
22. Programmes for Street Children 03


Legal Awareness Programmes in Schools in 2014.

01. Self Defense (with Schools) 01
02. Essay Competition 07
03. Judicial System 13
04. Fundamental Duties 10
05. Traffic Laws 01
06. Legal Aid & Legal Service Authority 14
07. Self Defense (with community) 01
08. Other Programmes in School regarding Legal Literacy Club 77


Observance of Days in 2014.

  1. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “International Labour Day “ on 1st May, 2014.
  2. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “Senior Citizen Day” on 1st Oct, 2014.
  3. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “World Health Day” on 10th Oct, 2014.
  4. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “National Legal Service Day” on 9th Nov, 2014
  5. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “Children’s Day” on 14th Nov, 2014
  6. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of  “Law Day” on 26th Nov, 2014
  7. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “World HIV/AIDS Day” on 1st Dec, 2014.
  8. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “Human Right Day” on 10th Dec, 2014.
  9. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “World Environment  Day” on 5th June, 2014.
  10. Legal Awareness Camp on observance of “Disability Day” on 3rd Dec, 2014.


Various modes for adopting for making people aware about are as follows:-

  1. Nukkad Nataks
  2. Street Plays
  3. Projectors
  4. Handbills
  5. Booklets
  6. Pamphlets
  7. Oral Discourse
  8. Through organizing Essay Competitions in Schools/Colleges.


  • Training Programmes:- In the year 2015, “ 08 ” training programmes were organized for Legal Services Advocates.

  • Training Programmes:- In the year 2014, “12” training programmes were organized for Legal Services Advocates.


  • “92” Legal Literacy Clubs opened in Schools.