A senior citizen namely Om Prakash S/o. Late Sh. Phoola Singh, Mobile No. 9312549860, who was half paralysed, had been implicated by his relative in a civil suit for recovery of Rs. 1,25,000/- vide CS No. 1054/17, District Shahdara. The said applicant after losing all hopes had approached Front Desk, District Shahdara for defending him in the said case. The applicant was promptly provided Legal Aid Counsel (LAC) Ms. Meenu Juneja vide reference no. 577/19/DLSA/SHD/KKD/2117/LA and after a hard fought case, LAC got the coveted relief to applicant by getting the case in hand dismissed. Applicant got the sigh of relief and he praised the efforts of LAC concerned and thanked the Authority for the timely and effective intervention.