Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DSLSA) was constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 to ensure that justice is all pervasive and no person is denied justice because of their financial and physical limitations. In the legal fraternity, there is a legal maxim audi alteram partem which means that ‘all must be heard’. DLSA, West in the above case made sure that the principle of above maxim is realised and the spirit of law is protected as it is one of the most sacrosanct principle of law. It constitutes one of the principles of natural justice which cannot be denied to any person.

One instance wherein the barrier of communication owing to physical limitations of the legal aid beneficiary was crossed and justice was provided to legal aid beneficiary is of the case of Satinder Kumar Vats @ Satyender Kumar v. Tata Capital Finance Services Ltd. bearing case no. CS SCJ 808/2017. When the legal aid beneficiary first came to DLSA, West it proved difficult to understand his concerns because he was vocally impaired and was an illiterate person. So he was notable to convey his grievances orally or through writing. Moreover, he had no other member from his family who could speak on his behalf and help him. Ld. Secretary DLSA (West) Sh. Vinod Kumar Meena himself had personal interactions with the legal aid beneficiary as the front office lawyer was not able to decipher the problem.

After various personal conversations, it was revealed that he wanted to file a suit for recovery of debt and majority of his debt was time barred. The case was marked to Legal Aid Counsel Sh. Anurag Bindal vide file No. 393/17 W dated February 21, 2017 to provide effective legal support to the beneficiary. After many patient sitting with the beneficiary, perusal of the documents, interpreting gestures and putting leading questions the facts of the case were realised by the legal aid counsel. Numerous YES-NO questions were put to the beneficiary to confirm the facts of the case. On a detailed study of the documents it was realised that most of the debt was time barred and could not be claimed. Only 15.25% of the total amount was found to be within limitation and thus actionable. On deeper analysis of the case it was revealed that there were some e-mails in which the defendant had admitted to pay the amount to the plaintiff. Accordingly, a suit was filed under the relevant provision of the Indian Contracts Act in the court of appropriate jurisdiction. A notice was issued to the defendant after the satisfaction of the court. As the proceeding in front of the court advanced, the defendant offered to settle the case for a substantial amount of the claim. The offer was to settle all claims in exchange of 72% of the total amount to which the plaintiff agreed and accepted the offer.

By the patient, prompt and foremost efforts of the DLSA, West the hard earned money of a vocally impaired man was recovered which prima facie appeared to be time barred. Legal aid provided to the man resulted in him being financially independent and living his life on his own terms by his hard earned money. Appropriate steps taken by DLSA, West gave voice to the concerns of a vocally impaired man and helped him attain justice which though promised to all in the Constitution of India yet seemed difficult to be achieved in this scenario. DLSA (West) through its Ld. Legal aid counsel Sh. Anurag Bindal did a commendable job in giving voice to the vocally impaired person.



The principle of Roman law ‘salus populi est suprema lex’ means that ‘welfare of the people is the paramount law’. This principle is the abiding principle in the Constitution of India. The State has been assigned the positive role of helping the people realize their rights and needs and in doing so the courts of India have often given expansive interpretation to Article 21 of the Constitution of India which provides the fundamental right to life. The article states that no person shall be deprived of his right to life and personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law. By expansive interpretation of Article 21, Right to healthy environment has been granted to all persons in India. On further interpretation of Article 21, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India gave unto the citizens of India a right to access to clean drinking water in the judgement of A.P. Pollution Control Board II v. Prof. M.V. Nayudu[1]. The court stated that:

“Right to access to safe drinking water is fundamental to life. The court further held that under Article 21 there is a duty on the State under to provide clean drinking water to its citizens.”

The court in this case referred to the India’s participation in UNO’s water conference and held that safe drinking water is of paramount importance in any country. The Supreme Court of India has repeatedly reaffirmed the connection between public access to clean drinking water, the right to health environment and right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution in various judgements.

DLSA, West helped realize the right of access to clean drinking water of citizens residing in Gali No. 17 of Anand Parbat. People residing in that area had no supply of clean drinking water for the past 14 years. One Sunil Sharma approached DLSA, West and apprised the front office lawyer that they have no access to clean water in their residential area. The front office lawyer consulted with Ld. Secretary DLSA, West. Interaction with the legal aid beneficiary was held by the Ld. Secretary Sh. Vinod Kumar Meena, DLSA (West) himself where he tried to understand all the facts of the case and issues faced by the beneficiary. Afterwards, the case was marked to Ld. Advocate Sh. Anurag Bindal, Legal Aid Counsel. The case was titled as Sunil Sharma v. Delhi Jal Board [CS/SCJ/60/9339/2016] vide file no. 1205/14 W. It got referred for mediation in the Mediation Centre, Tis Hazari Courts. During the various mediation sessions held, senior officials were called from Delhi Jal Board and the parties finally came to a settlement. As per the settlement agreement, execution proceedings were initiated as per the law. Eventually the case was disposed off in the National Lok Adalat held in July 2018.

As a result of the proceedings, a brand new water pipeline, separate from the main line, was laid out in the area to provide potable drinking water to the residents of Gali No. 17, Anand Parbat after a long period of 14 years. It was only after the prime efforts of DLSA, West that such a rudimentary commodity like clean drinking water which is a basic human right, necessary for human survival, was finally made available after such a long wait.



Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DSLSA) has been constituted under Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987. The main function of the authority is to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society to ensure that the opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic and other disabilities.

To ensure that the objectives, we organised many awareness programs and programme for distribution of dry ration during the crisis of Covid-19 lockdown period. To create awareness about the functions and purposes of District Legal Services Authority, DLSA west made team of staff and assign the work to the staff so that there must not be any communication gap between the grieved person, para legal volunteer, partner NGOs and the office of DLSA west. LACs were also deputed on call basis and letter was written regarding their appointment to the office of DCP and all the police stations so that no grievances of general public remain un-aggravate and help whether legal or otherwise can be given to the aggrieved person at their doorstep.

One such instance is of a case where our partner NGO, Deepalya received grievance of one domestic Worker, namely Barelmani Toppo w/o Barpush Toppo R/o 80 Guj, Tilak Nagar, Delhi. She is single mother and having two children, (1 Girl & 1 Boy), both children are studying. She submitted that she is not able to continue with the work as domestic help due to pandemic of Covid-19 and is now facing a scarcity of food and financial problem, after knowing about the grievance, DLSA West with the help of our partner NGO and PLVs collected information about domestic workers residing in the area. total Sixteen domestic workers/helps were found to the residing in the area of of 80 guj, Tilak Nagar, Delhi.

DLSA West with the help of one social worker Ms. Anita Rana, arranged dry ration and sum of Rs 7000/- each for the all the 16 domestic helps with this not only their problem regarding food and ration but also the financial problem got redressed.


On 08/05/2020, the office of DLSA West was in receipt of an email from one person Sh. Nawal Kishore Yadav, who along with his family was allegedly subjected to beatings and violence from some people whom he recognized. He had filed complaint in this respect in the concerned police station. This matter pertained to police station Moti Nagar.

Immediately a competent Legal Aid Counsel namely Sh. Parminder Singh was appointed in this matter. The LAC spoke to the aggrieved person telephonically and enquired about the immediate help which could be provided to them.  The LAC visited police station Moti Nagar after informing the concerned Sub-Inspector who was entrusted with the matter. Then, both the parties were called to the Police Station and the LAC had a conversation with both the parties, separately and collectively.

After much efforts both the parties agreed to  resolve the issues between them. They assured to live peacefully.

The concept of free legal aid and mechanism of DLSA was made to understand to them. Both the parties felt satisfied that they have been heard and provided necessary legal assistance free of cost in testing time of pandemic.


On 04/05/2020, the office of DLSA West received a complaint via email from the NRI Cell, National Commission for women. The complaint was from Ms. Amarjeet Kaur  who lived in USA but was being threatened by her husband who lived in Gurugram, Haryana. The husband  threatened to harm her family and her reputation by sending frivolous emails to her employer and to US immigration authorities to affect her job and visa.  The complainant wanted to file a case of domestic violence against the husband so that he may not do any harm to her family and herself. Immediately, a Legal aid counsel Ms. Richa Sharma who is well versed in family law, was appointed so that the Complainant might get immediate relief and should not suffer due to the lockdown.

She conversed with the Complainant many times telephonically and adviced her on her legal terms. Although the case could not be filed in West district owing to the limitations of territorial jurisdiction, yet all other remedies were provided to the Complainant. The complainant was helped by drafting an appropriate reply to the legal notice   which was served upon her by her husband and she was also guided as to how she can proceed in her matter further to get redressal of her legal disputes.

The Complainant was satisfied with the kind of prompt legal services provided to her in the testing time of covid-19 pandemic.


The Secretary, West District Legal Services Authority received message from the Legal Service Advocate Purnima Malik who was dealing with the  DV helpline number during the lockdown.

The complaint was from a lady who was an anganwadi worker and was working in election Office for data collection during Covid-19. Her family members in her matrimonial house were disrupting her on her way to duty and were threatening her of dire consequences.

On receiving the complaint, Secretary DLSA West deputed a Legal Aid Counsel to provide necessary legal assistance to the lady telephonically and also provide immediate legal remedy to her so that she may discharge her duties properly at the time of Covid -19.  A Complaint was filed in the police station with the intervention of DLSA West and to provide justice to the lady at the earliest, case was prepared and filed before the concerned Court by the LAC.

DLSA West has assisted the lady in preparing the documents to file the case and the LAC is pursuing her case in Court. The lady is thankful to this authority for taking immediate steps in helping her out in this difficult time.



केस की तारीख..23/4/2020

शिकायतकर्ता का नाम. नेहा d/o रमेश


फ़ोन .9650602857

पता.. ए ब्लॉक जे जे कॉलोनी बक्करवाला नई दिल्ली -110041

केस का प्रकार…

नाम -अमन

केस का  संछिप्त विवरण – नेहा जी ने कानूनी सहायता क्लिनिक में पैरा लीगल वालंटियर श्री। विशाल सिंह और श्रीमती। रूपा को बताया कि उनके भाई काफी समय से नशे के आदि है और जब से लॉकडाउन शुरू हुआ है उनकी मुसीबते और बढ़ गयी है उनका भाई पहले जो भी पैसे कमाता था उनको नशा में ही उड़ा देता था व् लॉकडाउन के कारण सभी काम बंद हो गए है तो उनका भाई उनके साथ मार पीट करता हैं और पैसे मांगता है नेहा ने बताया कि उनकी माता जी की भी तबियत ठीक नही रहती है वह सब बहुत परेशान है लॉकडाउन से पहले नेहा छोटा मोटा काम कर अपने घर का खर्चा चला लेती थी परंतु सभी काम बंद होने की वजह वह बहुत परेशान है और उनको चारो तरफ से मुसीबतों ने घेर लिया  है नेहा ने जो थोड़े बहुत पैसे बचाये थे वो भी उसके भाई ने नशे के लिए उसे छीन लिए है और नेहा का भाई रोजाना उनको पैसों के लिए परेशान करता है और उसपर हाथ भी उठता  है नेहा ने बताया कि उनकी स्थिति दिन प्रति दिन बहुत बुरी हो गई है उनकी माँ भी बीमार है और भाई भी उन्हें परेशान करता है उनके घर में खाने के लिए भी कुछ नही बचा है व् आस पड़ोस से भी उनको कोई मदद नही कर रहा है वह चाहती है कि हम उनकी समस्याओं का समाधान करने में सहायता करें।

कार्यवाही – पैरा लीगल वालंटियर श्री। विशाल सिंह और श्रीमती। रूपा, नेहा के घर गए उन्होंने वहा नेहा के भाई से बात की और उसको समझाया कि उस्का ऐसा व्यवहार ठीक नही है वह अपने परिवार का एक लोता बेटा है उसको तो इन विषम परिस्तिथियों में अपने पापा की मदद करनी चाहिए  । पैरा लीगल वालंटियर ने अमन को समझाया की नशा इंसान को अंदर से खोखला कर देता है नशा एक ऐसी बुराई है जो हमारे समूल जीवन को नष्ट कर देती है। नशे की लत से पीड़ित व्यक्ति परिवार के साथ समाज पर बोझ बन जाता है।

इन नशीली वस्तुओं के उपयोग से व्यक्ति पागल और सुप्तावस्था में चला जाता है। पैरा लीगल वालंटियर ने यह भी बताया की तम्बाकू के सेवन से तपेदकि, निमोनिया और साँस की बीमारियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। इसके सेवन से जन और धन दोनों की हानि होती है बार बार कौन्सेल्लिंग से नेहा के भाई को अहसास हुआ की वह गलत है और ये सब गलत  आदत उंसके समूचे जीवन को बर्बाद कर सकती है । व् नेहा के भाई अमन ने कहा कि वह अब कोशिश करेगा की यह सब गलती वह दोबारा न दोहराये अमन ने अपनी बहन नेहा और माता पिता से भी माफ़ी मांगी।

पक्ष की तरफ से प्रतिक्रिया – नेहा ने बताया कि पश्चिम जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण (पैरा लीगल)विशाल सिंह,और रूपा जी द्वारा समय समय पर अमन की काउंसलिंग की जा रही है जिससे उसके व्यवहार और जीवनशैली में परिवर्तन हो रहा है । पश्चिम जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण द्वारा लागए गए कैम्प के माध्यम से नेहा का e कूपन वाला फ्रॉम भरा गया  और इस प्रकार  नेहा को दिल्ली सरकार की तरफ से दिए जा रहे कोरोना राहत राशन किट दिया गया,साथ ही साथ केयर विलेज द्वारा भी 3 बार राशन  दिया गया।

फॉलोअप – 19/5/2020

नेहा जी को फोन कर उनका और उनकी माता जी का हाल चाल पूछा उन्हीने बताया कि उनके भाई से उनकी कभी कभी फोन से बात हो जाती है और उनकी माता जी भी ठीक है संस्था और पश्चिम जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण की मदद के लिए वो दिल से आभार प्रकट करते है।


विशाल सिंह, पैरालिगल वर्कर

कानूनी सहायता लाभार्थी /शिकायत करता का नाम – बिमला w/o राजेश

उम्र – 27

फोन नं – 9654689624

पता – h ब्लाक जे जे कॉलोनी बक्करवाला नई दिल्ली – 110041

केस का प्रकार

दी गई सहायता:

नाम – राजेश

उम्र – 29

संषिप्त विवरण – लॉकडाउन के दौरान पश्चिम जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण द्वारा आयोजित कानूनी सहायता शिविर में बिमला जी ने बताया कि उनके पति बहुत दारू पीते है और उनके साथ मार पीट भी करते है लॉकडाउन के चलते सारे काम  बंद हो गए हैं और जितने पसे घर में थे वो सभी उनके पति राजेश दारू पिने के लिए छीन कर ले गए उनके घर में खाने के लिए एक दाना भी नही है और वो बहुत ही परेशान है उनके पति रोज उनसे पैसे मांगते है औरम न देने पर मार पीट करते है वह बहुत  परेशान है और पश्चिम जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण से अपना घर बचाने के लिए पैरा लीगल वालंटियर विशाल सिंह से सहायता की उम्मीद करती है

कार्यवाही – पश्चिम जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण, पैरालिगल वर्कर श्री। विशाल सिंह और श्रीमती। रूपा ने बिमला जी को केयर विलेज फाउंडेशन की मदद से राशन किट दी जिसमे –

15किलो चावल

10किलो आटा

5 किलो चीनी

2किलो दाल

1किलो बेसन

नमक ,मिर्च ,हल्दी

नहाने के साबुन

1किलो गड़ी सरफ तथा मास्क दिया

फोन द्वारा काउंसलिंग – पैरालिगल विशाल ने बिमला के पति राजेश जी को फ़ोन किया और समझाया की उनको अपनी बीवी के साथ मार पिट नही करने चाहिये । ऐसे विषम परिस्थितियों में इस तरह पत्नी से मार पीट कर सारे पैसे शराब पर खर्च करना ठीक नही ।

कोरोना वायरस के चलते सभी काम बंद है अगर आप अपनी पत्नी द्वारा बचाये पेसो को भी शराब में खर्च कर दिए तो आपको बहुत ही परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है आपको समझना चाहिए की इस समय आपको अपनी पत्नी के साथ मिलकर खुद और बाकि परिवार के लोगो को सुरक्षित रखने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए ।

अगले दिन पैरालिगल वर्कर श्री। विशाल सिंह उनके घर गये और नशे के गम्भिर परिणाम के बारे में बताया! राजेश को अहसास हो गया. राजेश जी ने अपनी गलती के लिए माफी मांगी और कहा कि वह जब परेशान होते है तभी शराब पीते है वह आगे से कोशिश करेगा की यह गलती दोबारा न हो ।

फॉलोअप  – बिमला जी ने फोन किया कि उनको राशन की जरूरत है ।उनको  केयर विलेज फाउंडेशन राशन के लिए बुलाया गया बिमला जी जब  राशन लेने आयी तब उन्होंने बताया। कि वह अब ठीक है उनके पति कभी कभी पीते तो है पर मार पीट नही करते है और न ही पैसों के लिए लड़ाई करते है वह खुश है और इन विषम परिस्थितियों में उनकी सहायता करने व् राशन के लिए केयर विलेज और विशाल सर का धन्यवाद करती है

सचिव, पश्चिम जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण, पैरालिगल वर्कर श्री। विशाल सिंह और श्रीमती। रूपा, बिमला और राजेश के नियमित संपर्क में हैं और राजेश और बिमला को परामर्श दे रहे हैं।

1-ration :- helpline :- ration provide

  • Tenant :- helpline:- advice
  • 2- employee :- helpline:- advice
  • 3 senior citizen :- helpline :- 1-advocate, 2 -advice
  • 49 {22{legal assistance:- mail-9(dv-8{advice}, Legal Aid-1 {advice}), helpline-13(dv-7{4- lawyers, 3-advice}, Legal Aid-6-{4- advocate, 2 advice),